Joanne E Cohen
Interview Questions
Job Title: Senior Director
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Favorite Indulgence: Live Theater
What was your path to 21/64?
Over 10 years ago, I was exposed to the work of 21/64. I was a participant in an early Approach Training in New York City. It was and remains the foundation of my work with families and colleagues. The training built on my instincts and experience around values-based work. I took the tools I learned, the research and the connections with colleagues back to The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida. There I was able to enhance our Next Generation programming, create an alumni connection and apply the techniques to both family meetings as well as individual donor engagement. Since that first training, I have taken every course 21/64 has offered. I have been honored to pilot several tools and trainings and facilitated the first convening of the Certified Advisor collective in January 2021. I am grateful for the opportunity to work alongside the 21/64 team, as we move the work forward with multigenerational families and the professionals who support them.
What’s an “aha” moment you have had recently?
Transitions can be good for you! Every transition creates change. How we choose to embrace those changes sets the stage for our own evolution. Whether the change is in family dynamics, a personal experience, or a professional position, keeping our values (what’s important) front and center makes the change more manageable. I have always been a lifelong learner, working to enhance my skills, abilities, and talent. I treasure learning from and with colleagues and their experiences. It does take effort, but as I have experienced, a growth mindset is well worth my time. This newest professional transition has affected my personal experiences as well. Working remotely is new to me and so I am creating ways to remain in touch with colleagues near and far. I am all about relationships and connections. I look forward to engaging more deeply with the network of 21/64 Certified Advisors across the globe.
Why were the 21/64 trainings so influential?
When I work with families and colleagues, one of my favorite tools is the Picture Your Legacy deck. Watching the expressions on the face of folks sorting through the deck always brings a smile to my face. Seeing them connect the photos they choose to the values they embrace is a magical moment. I gravitate to the same card every time, the photo of the human looking into the starlit sky. I see unlimited potential and opportunity, something for everyone. A place where everyone can shine. I also see my core value of connecting. I appreciate the approach that incorporates knowing myself and my role as a professional when engaging with families. It makes the work of advising families more genuine.
What about our sector is energizing you right now?
I find working with the next generation of professional colleagues very exciting. I see game changers, idea generators and folks willing to ask tough questions to support and create space where everyone is seen, welcome and heard. My 21/64 colleagues are creating and supporting the community of advisors leading change in advising families. Regardless of the field, professionals across the globe are embracing the values-based approach to this work. I have seen and used this approach in family philanthropy, and all types of family enterprise, annual development, and planned giving. The trainings, coaching and network that 21/64 provides will continue to nurture the next generation of professionals. I am excited that these professionals are embracing our tools and approach to develop their own skills and support families.
What is your favorite question?
At 21/64 questions are front and center in our work. What do you see? How did that make you feel? Tell me about your experience. Who helped you today? To name a few. Asking powerful questions can invite new thinking, observations, and reflection. I am often reminded by my young adult daughters that questions are not always focused on a solution. These days my favorite question is “How can I be helpful today? I am looking forward to adding more questions to my toolbox and I know you are too.
Let’s connect – please email me ([email protected]) and share your favorite question. I’ll collect all the questions and post on 2164 Connect later this month. Together we can grow our toolbox.
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