The new book by Sharna Goldseker and Michael Moody won’t be a classic someday. It is. Now. Their book is all about now and giving and this generation that, right before our very eyes, emerged from being the ‘next generation’ to what Goldseker and Moody reveal is the ‘now generation’—that generation with the intellectual, human, and financial capital needed to tackle the massive challenges confronting the planet, the country, and their own backyards. The Goldseker/Moody approach to telling the stories of these givers and this new age of giving is fresh and creative: at once inspirational and how to, heartening, and instructive. For families, emerging philanthropists, and old pros trying to disrupt themselves, this book is a lantern in dark times, a light in the world we are all trying to fathom—and fix.
Joline Godfrey
Author, Raising Financially Fit Kids
Joline Godfrey
Author, Raising Financially Fit Kids
The new book by Sharna Goldseker and Michael Moody won’t be a classic someday. It is. Now. Their book is all about now and giving and this generation that, right before our very eyes, emerged from being the ‘next generation’ to what Goldseker and Moody reveal is the ‘now generation’—that generation with the intellectual, human, and financial capital needed to tackle the massive challenges confronting the planet, the country, and their own backyards. The Goldseker/Moody approach to telling the stories of these givers and this new age of giving is fresh and creative: at once inspirational and how to, heartening, and instructive. For families, emerging philanthropists, and old pros trying to disrupt themselves, this book is a lantern in dark times, a light in the world we are all trying to fathom—and fix.