Andine Sutarjadi
Senior Director
Andine Sutarjadi is a speaker, facilitator and writer on next generation philanthropy who has dedicated her career toward advancing inclusive practices in philanthropic decision-making, governance and advising.
As Senior Director at 21/64, a nonprofit practice serving next gen and multigenerational families, she facilitates programs and conversations to equip next gen donors with the tools they need to clarify their philanthropic identity, become more strategic in their giving, and be prepared to serve on nonprofit boards. In her role, Andine also leads the 21/64 Certified Advisors of Color Program, which equips philanthropic advisors of color with knowledge on multigenerational family, wealth, and philanthropy as they build transformative relationships with donors and, together, move resources to diversify their philanthropic and social investments.
Andine comes to this work as a next gen donor herself and offers a unique perspective for both funders and professionals in the field. Her grounding presence and conviction that “your experience is your expertise” help to foster trusting spaces for next gen donors and the professionals with whom they work to have meaningful and insightful conversations on the challenges and opportunities that they encounter in their philanthropic work.
Prior to joining 21/64, Andine worked at Women Moving Millions where she was responsible for the programming and engagement of funders who give boldly with a gender-lens. She earned her B.Sc. in Health Science with a Minor in Public Health from Boston University.
An advocate for health equity, Andine is a Technical Advisor for Pyramid Life Care, a social enterprise she co-founded with her mother that provides health and holistic services to elderly communities in her home city of Jakarta, Indonesia. As an Asian-American feminist, Andine serves on the steering committee of the Asian Women Giving Circle and on the board of Asian American Futures – an organization that aims to cultivate philanthropy in the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community and to ensure that AAPIs are an essential part of the American narrative.